This is a 12 week block designed to push your performance on the hills.
We concentrate on building FTP towards your Vo2max and extending the duration that you can work at your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate. In terms of power, we are now looking to rapidly grow FTP and build your Functional Reserve Capacity (short-range power surges) and improve further neuromuscular power for those little short but steps climbs you will encounter.
I will give you hill sprints (find one close by that you can manage and repeat), muscular endurance sessions (low cadence) and one anaerobic endurance session (Vo2max intervals); you will also have one long day at an endurance (low) pace to build fatigue
If you would like coaching
I use world leading TrainingPeaks and Data Analysis platforms to create and monitor your training and progress in terms of you own power distribution curve, aerobic capacity, fatigue resistance, anaerobic threshold power, pedal stroke analysis, etc
I will create for you an Annual Training Plan, divided into Mesocycles, with Training Blocks tailored monthly to your goals, based on current strengths and limiters
Access to me is via Zoom, Teams, FaceTime or WhatsApp
What you get for the extra £50 per month (a £149 one-off):
- Goal Planning
- Baseline Tests and 2 x Limiter Assessments
- Mesocycle-based Workouts
- Strength and Conditioning Sessions
- Performance Management
- TrainingPeaks Premium Edition
- Progress tracked by Power and Vo2Max
- Technology Advice (Apps, Equipment, etc)
- Individualised Annual Training Plan
- Workout Reviews and Feedback (WhatsApp)
- Options for Yoga and WKO5 Analysis